The difference between download & upload speeds

The difference between download and upload speeds

Normally it takes more time to upload a file then to download one of the same size, and for the most part this is by design. Since most users spend much more time downloading, which includes viewing web pages, watching videos, online gaming, etc., than they do uploading, many internet service providers design their systems to give priority to downloading giving you overall better service.

Truth be told upload and download speeds will almost never match the maximum advertised speed your paying for, it’s fairly normal to only get 80-90% of the advertised maximum speed (you should always read the small print) of the service plan you are paying for. There are however reasons for this;

mainly your connection may be shared with other people in your building or neighborhood, so if the pipe is pretty full at any given moment then your going to experience slower speeds.

Also other applications that are accessing the Internet may be running on your computer, which could slow down the transfer rate for the same reasons stated above. However activities like surfing the web and answering your email simultaneously should only have a minor impact on transfer speeds

Nevertheless, if you feel you are getting slower transfer speeds than normal, you can contact your ISP or visit their website. You can also check out our speedtest here to test your speeds, from a wired connection.

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